Yellow finch dreams
I dreamed a beautiful yellow finch with a touch of grey flew into my hand while I was sitting in a car with the windows down. I held it in my hands for a few minutes then put it to the window and released it. I am not a bird a person at all so I knew it must be symbolic of something. I read it could mean prosperity is in my near future.
I certainly hope so. I went treasure hunting yesterday at the thrift outlet. I found some things i hope will bring a buck or two hehe.
As im sitting here typing this I am also in process of cooking dinner and working . I can hear my husband on the roof he is in process of putting up an American flag light display to go along with the other lights he has already put up. I have only been on a roof I think twice in my life One time i had figured out how to get up there and the other I was trying to figure out how to get down lol.
We had a bit of excitement/pain in the arse situation last night. The handle to the shower broke and we could not get the water to stop running . It resulted in us having to turn off water from the street and call a plumber to show up this morning. Sigh. Its always something isn't it lol.
I cant believe its already December 1st! I hope its one to remember . I finally made some sugar cookies the other day . Not fancy decorated but they did just fine. They were gobbled up quickly.
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