Let the banners be unfurled

 I just want to start off by saying that I don't want anyone to take what I am doing personal. I realize that may be easier said than done . I did send out a brief message at the beginning of this journey to several people I am close with to let them know I was taking a break from society and to not worry if they don't hear from me . I did that in hopes it would not trigger any personal rejections or worry. I am literally trying to focus on self , family and my business. Minding my own so to speak. Dealing with personal things long overdue and just in general seeking a refreshing. Hence why i am here , writing this blog about the mundane dalliances of my life. LOL Its one of the reasons i so hesitated to ever pick this up again because 1, Its a commitment. 2. I am certain the daily musings and everyday meanderings of my mind probably make for boring reading. But hey here I am committing.

                  I have a circuit of sorts that i run when I am out sourcing for things to sell. Its a mixture of thrift stores , thrift clearance centers , estate sales , yard sales etc etc. I have a mental checklist of where i went last and where I am headed to next. Its a labor of love for sure. I often wish I had someone to thrift with but only on personal trips. When I am out sourcing for my business its all business. I have literally mastered the art of finding well...stuff. I am often asked how I  know what to buy. That could take up a whole blog within itself. But basically 20 years of touch and go trial and error. I have a sixth sense when I am out finding treasure . It is also something I have passed on to my kids . All of whom are seasoned avid thrifter's who love finding things as much as I do. I consider this one of the best things I instilled in my kids . Today was an odd one though as my destined spot did not yield much for resell but I did find some things for my own family. There was also some excitement as a lady who moved a picture frame found a huge rather angry looking  scorpion. She screamed and the whole store came over to have a look. I quickly grabbed a nearby plastic Tupperware piece and handed it to a man who quickly captured it. I took that as a sign that this trip was really not going that great and it was time to go. 

           I came home only to have daughter #2 say she was having horrid stomach pains that had carried on for several days and so we needed a trip to the ER . Get there only to be told they can find nothing wrong and sent us on our way with some mumblings of muscle strain. Umm ok. I also practically had to twist someone's arm off to take my copayment. They do that every time and then its a billing catastrophe  later on down the line. Seriously I had to fight them to take my money lol. 

    The rumblings of another full shutdown are looming large . The rumors grow that California will again be at a standstill the hour is late for that ...again.  I see only that we equally are all suffering in one way or another in a state that is run by a man who believes in do as I say not as I do . We cant afford it. And while I understand the  call to try to do something, anything to slow this train I also feel like the rent still has to be paid. Food still needs to be bought. I have worked my ass off during this pandemic to keep money coming in . I don't know how much longer people can hang on. Business's are ready to square off with our governor over the fact that they cannot sustain loss of income for much longer. As Rush once said in the song 2112 let the banners be unfurled. I see a fight looming in the near future over the direction of this . 

      As i am sitting hear i hear a cha ching which means something has sold on Ebay. I look and its a vintage Ziggy stardust album that sold for 40 bucks and I got it for pennies as  it was part of a storage unit I won. This is why I love working for myself. The hourly rate of self work  far exceeds anything i make at my "real " job. Someday I really hope that this will be all I will do. Mr M is so close so close to finishing and being able to teach. I really hope he passes the rest of his state tests and we can get on with it already. 

     Anyhow its that time . Piles of work await my well seasoned thrift hands. 

Look around this world we made
Our stock in trade
Come and join the Brotherhood
Of Man
What a nice contented world
Let the banners
Be unfurled
Hold the Red Star proudly
High in hand.


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