Two are better than 1

   I started the day off by doing something i almost NEVER do which is staying in bed. My back was aching quite a bit , there was The Crown to be watched and dogs snuggled in my bed. That made it very difficult to say no to staying put. My son popped his head in the room and asked if I were sick. I chuckled and said No. I take those sorts of questions as a twisted testament to both my daily routine and work ethic. That if I  am found horizontal , something must be wrong. 

          Anyhow as I watched this new season of the crown I remarked to Mr M that Scotland looks so stunning and how I hope that someday with enough valium to get me on the plane and enough time to do it we might visit there. We have talked of this so many times over the course of our 20 year marriage. But neither time nor circumstance let alone money has ever allowed it yet. I can certainly see the appeal of the rolling green mountains . streams, a melancholy grey sky and fresh air. I hate to fly. No I am terrified of it. Something about being in the air for so long in something I am not in control of. Coupled with a bad experience on a flight that had a small fire years ago when I was flying from Hawaii to SFO. At one point in my life i lived in Hawaii for a few years as that was the assigned Army duty station. Flying over water scares the hell out of me lol. 

             After tearing myself away after a few episodes I looked over and saw the new sheet set that I bought needs to be put on the bed. I made mental note to get Mr M in here later to help me put them on. I could do it alone but its so much easier when you have another person to help.  Its such a comfort to know you don't have to go it alone. Be it putting on sheets or navigating this life. For so many years while we were a slave to the Army life , alone was the order of day most times. And while it breeds a certain strength and master multitasker ability it also gets old really quick. If I have said it a thousand times it would not be enough , I am so glad that chapter is over. Personal freedom to live where we want and do as we please has not worn off even after 5 years. I love spending this life with my husband . He is all that is good and right in this world. 2 seriously imperfect people who are perfect for each other. Also he is much better at putting on sheets than I am . :)

Glancing at The Blaze this morning whilst drinking coffee tells me the world is still in complete asshat mode. Lovely. I also hear that California may be put into an even more restrictive lockdown. What the actual hell. Months into this and with all our effort we are worse off than ever. Its enough to make you want to scream. So many hurting and now the crush will be even greater. Sigh. 

       I have been invited to go check out a new honey hole today. That is by definition  a discovered/found place (not necessarily a hole) where something of value is. 

   Wish me luck. 

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.  

Ecclesiastes 4:9


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