Bend the knee


This is my slogan of the week. Thanks to two things. Game of thrones which I have now finished 8 seasons. And our Governor Gavin Asshat Newsom. Thanks to him and and this new shut down I have once again been terminated from my employment. Right before Christmas. This MF will not stop untill he has all of California bending the knee. This pompous brick for a brain idiot who is paid 16 grand a month and has made more mistakes than I can count must go. 

I have not been on in a few days as I had to really kick it into high gear selling stuff online. Lack of income will make you do some crazy shit. Like wake up before  dawn and go to bed at midnight. My days spent thrifting sorting taking pictures listing and shipping. A never ending cycle . Sales are down but not as much as they were . I am rallying as hard as I can . Making minor headway in this final push before xmas. It should of been an amazing few weeks of sales but its only been just ok. I will not quit.  God is with me. 

So much uncertainty on the horizon. But what can any of us do. Sit and wait I guess. 

I have more to say tonight but because I don't know who reads this I am a bit guarded. Some things you keep to self because you are smart enough to know that that is the only truly safe place. 

Let your strongest muscle be the will. ~


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