The end of an era.... au revoir

 Well that's it. Its that time Au Revoir to Facebook. I finally have said my peace abut leaving Facebook and shared the link to this blog as well as gave direction on how to keep in touch through Instagram and snapchat. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be to decide to leave. That is because what it was once it is no more. Facebook has its uses. I will maintain my account for other reasons and purposes but not to post keep or contact or comment. It is the end of an era for sure. The nature of who I am loves to share and connect and for so long Facebook was that place for me to do so. But its been dark and ugly for quite a while and I just woke up today knowing that it was time to really move on. I will hope that in the future it will give rise to a new era and  new platforms that don't limit free speech and hide things you post or take them down. That in the future people will take a stand and not roll over. But...we shall see. I know there are those who have asked me privately to not give up and stay on but the real power we have as the people is that when something no longer serves us in a good way its time to give it the boot. Life is very fleeting . You will forget about me before you know it. 


    I will miss so many people and keeping up with the daily doings but important personal work is ahead for me . 

   The word has come that we in California are going to full shut down and stay at home...again. WTH. I literally cant with this clown we call head of our state. I am so tired of the BS . I am also tired of the follow the science crowd who keeps screaming that , and that's fine but show me how outside dining that is 6 feet apart is bad . Scientifically speaking. The restaurants are beyond hurting and devastated. We have been at this for what 9 or 10 months? How is a 3 week shutdown going to help . Its not. Is the state going to pay our rent? Our bills? 

     Business online is still down . Which is a serious bummer. 

Its pretty cold at night now . Temps have dropped. I enjoy coming home to my fake fireplace every night lol. It actually puts out quite a bit of heat. 

  I missed my therapy appointment today. Just too much going on. Christmas is 20 days away. How crazy is that . The panic buying has somewhat set in. This coming week all gifts that I need to ship will go out. 

   Final random thought that I contemplate often. We have Whitney Houston to thank for this one lol. If somebody loves you wont they always love you? Do you think that is true? 

Love is the ultimate expression of the will to live.





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