Craptastic musings

 You ever feel like the tighter you try to hold onto to something the quicker it slips from your hands? Like sand through your fingers  ....sigh  (Shakes fist at sky).......anyhow.........

    Today was a rather craptastic day I made a list of all I needed to get done made it to my first stop and by my second stop realized my car was overheating. In an act of sheer F*&^ it I decide after letting said car cool down to turn on heater full blast and steer it down the highway straight to the car repair shop. By the time my husband ever saw the text message I had already dropped the car off and was well on my way home having gotten a lift from my awesome son in law. I really consider myself very lucky to have him in our lives. He is a lovely human and has a big heart. 

  As I walked in the door my husband just said yay. Yes yay indeed. Hey 2020 was there anything else? 

  It seems so odd at times writing down mundane things from my daily life but this is the exact kind of stuff at one point i would of probably made a post about on Facebook lol. Now ill have it here for all time to look back and go oh yes i remember that crappy day lol. 

   I feel very restless . My mind has been turning cartwheels. So many things and thoughts. Its enough to keep a girl awake at night . 

 I have been trying to plan out meals Sunday was sausage and peppers with fried potatoes, Monday bbq chicken with all the sides, tonight was grilled steak and cheddar sandwiches with a side of baby carrots. Ill have to think of what to make for tomorrow. Food prices are insane right now so I am being extra thoughtful as to not waste. 

Time to listen to one of my true crime podcasts and get to work.

I am on season 6 of game of thrones. I may now want a dog that looks like a wolf. Just saying :)

“Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.”
—Tyrion’s sage advice to Jon about being a bastard


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