Adulting sucks

Nothing says adulting quite like car repairs. To the tune of $950 bucks. Yeah its been a really great year (insert eyeroll) and of course right before Christmas. Ugh

 I am a bit concerned as well because Mr M has heard that school may not go back now till after spring break which lets face it what is the point. This may affect full time employment for him. He may be able to sub though. The last bit of money that he got for going to school ended this month and now I need to find a way to plug that gap until he is working. I really need people to buy my shit in no uncertain terms. I have so much up I just need people to come and get it lol. 

  I saw a story about a couple who got a letter from an upset neighbor because they had strung up Christmas lights. Hmm. I guess the letter expressed that the lights represented a systematic bias of neighbors and those who don't or cant afford to celebrate Christmas. It said the lights are "harmful". What the actual heck??? For see this is how it goes. Once we start allowing everything to be attacked , even Christmas lights it will never end. They will come for every last bit you have. Its the if I cant have it neither can you attitude. Its odd. Because when I see someone who has Christmas lights my first thought is not to think how hazardous they are its to see the joy it puts into such a special season. That even though someone like say myself with my meager light display may not be able to afford more right now I sure am happy to look at the larger displays my neighbors put on for free. I don't feel envious or mad I feel happy to see such fun for the season. What the heck is wrong with people. Never mind that is like opening a can of worms.  

I am also tired of Christmas shopping . I have a few things left but after todays cars escapade I gave my husband strict orders to not buy me anything. After all I would rather a working car than a bunch of stuff I don't need. 

 I also somehow managed to hurt my right backside hip area. No clue woke this morning and something was very out in that area feels like I pulled something. How do you go to bed fine and wake injured? Getting old sucks. 

Oh goodie my neighbors are having another all out party in the back yard. I swear every few days they throw another big get together filled with loud  music, weed and booze. Sometimes it goes on throughout the night to early hours . And yet I never call the police. I figure at the end of the day while annoying I am sure the police have better more important calls to attend to . Anyhow that was my rant for the day .

My daughter showed me a guy named spencer on tik tok who does a video called the daily scream . This man is clearly my spirit twin. He rants and screams and swears lol and he is hilarious . I would really love to do a similar video but regarding the restaurant and the guests we encounter. LOL. If you get a chance watch him he really will force you to laugh. 

Anyhow I think we are really getting in to the meaty part of game of thrones so im off to be in pain and lay on a heat pad whilst watching . 

Ed Bloom (Age 10): I was thinkin' about death and all. And about seein' how you're gonna die. I mean, on one hand, if dyin' was all you thought about, it could kinda screw you up. But it could kinda help you, couldn't it? Because you'd you know that everything else you can survive-----.Big Fish


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