All the marbles
I did not get on yesterday . As it turns out 24 hours in a day actually are not enough. I spent yesterday cleaning and playing catchup. Trying to make sure I stay on top of things which even with alot of effort at times feels like im still not that on top of things lol.
I also had a tough therapy session. Which left me feeling drained. The thing they never tell you about therapy is that you don't always feel better afterwards, sometimes you feel worse. I am trying so hard to be a better version of myself. Therapy is part of that quest but its a lonely one. Some paths you have to walk alone to get where you need to go.
Aside from that I hear that the run off race in Georgia will be for all the marbles. Its a critical race that will determine who holds the senate. California also enacted a strict curfew from 10pm till 5 am everyday to help fight Covid. I am not convinced that curfew will do much of anything . Our governor is an asshat at best . He lacks self conviction. We are talking about someone who only will admit wrongdoing after caught. I really don't know what he thinks a curfew will do now. I also read so many things today that made my head explode but ill have to save that rant for some other time . But in a nutshell its amusing to see people "think" that they have the final say. Only God has the final say. What a good comfort that has been to me the past few weeks. You see something or read something in the natural that makes you feel worried or upset. And then you remember God is still on the throne. Amen to that brothers and sisters.
I did not get good rest last night. A sick kid and restless dreams really socked it to me. I just got off work and feel super tired like I could already go to sleep and it isn't even 10pm. But I still have Ebay work to do ugh.
I also had something really weird happen to me yesterday. I think someone was in my car. I found a mask and some receipts and such stuffed into a side pocket as if someone just shoved it all in there quickly and left. There was also an odd scent in my car that indicated someone else as in not me had been there . Super creepy but I have my heavy lock tied to the end of a bandana that I keep in my purse at all times just in case. I mean who randomly gets into someone's car? Weirdos.
I miss posting deals for everyone. And there have been some good ones.
I am still trying to figure out what I will do when this social media sabbatical is up. How to proceed. What needs to change.
I also need to figure out what to get my husband for Xmas . He is THE most difficult person to buy for and I am on the struggle bus trying to rack my brain to think of what I could get him.
Anyhow time to prop open those eyelids and get to work.
That money isn't going to make itself hehe
“They were having an argument as old and comfortable as an armchair, the kind of argument that no one ever really wins or loses but which can go on forever, if both parties are willing.”
― Coraline
― Coraline
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